COVID-19 has brought the global economy to its knees and in response, the governments of the world have opened the money printing spigots. The U.S. FED for instance has bought roughly 3 TRILLION in assets this year (labeled "Quantitative Easing 4" on this chart). Many fear that this much "money printing" will result in massive inflation or even hyperinflation. As you can see from the chart below, high inflation rates were the bane of the 1970s and early 1980s when the inflation rate rarely dipped below 4%. By contrast, the period beginning with the new millennium has rarely seen inflation go above 4%. Inflation in the 1970s caused much suffering and business disruption, … [Read more...]
August Inflation Rises
Annual Inflation Increases to 1.31% Annual Inflation rose from 0.12% in May to 1.31% in August. CPI Index rose to 259.918 in August. Monthly Inflation for August was 0.32%, July was 0.51%, June was 0.55%, May was 0.002%, April was -0.67%, March was -0.22%, February was 0.27%. The FED holds pretty steady on Assets and FED Funds Rates. Next release October 13th Annual inflation for the 12 months ending in August was 1.31%, up from July's 0.99%. Inflation is still moderate but may be picking up. The CPI index itself was up from 259.101 in July to 259.918 in August. Resulting in a monthly inflation rate of 0.32%. The Moore Inflation Predictor once again … [Read more...]
July’s Annual Inflation 0.99%
Annual Inflation Still Below 1% Annual Inflation rose from 0.65% in June to 0.99% in July. CPI Index rose to 259.101 in July. Monthly Inflation for July was 0.51%, June was 0.55%, May was 0.002%, April was -0.67%, March was -0.22%, February was 0.27%. The FED may be slowing its "Quantitative Easing" in an effort to prevent hyperinflation. FED Funds Rate up slightly but still remains near Zero. Next release September 11th Annual inflation for the 12 months ending in July was 0.99%, June was 0.65%, May was 0.12%, April was 0.33%, March was 1.54% down sharply from February's 2.33% and January's 2.49%. The CPI index itself was up from 257.797 in June to 259.101 in … [Read more...]
3 Factors Causing the Current Gold Rally
A variety of factors affect the price of gold. Currently, many of them are combining to drive the price of gold to all-time record highs. Let's look at a few of the factors that affect the price of gold. 1) Uncertainty- Gold is a Crisis Hedge We have said this many times over the years but it bears repeating again gold is more of a crisis hedge than an inflation hedge. When uncertainty rears its ugly head... gold does well. That uncertainty can take many forms and one of them is "monetary uncertainty". So if people don't know what the value of their money is going to be in the future (i.e. inflation) they will shift some of their assets to gold (driving up the price of gold). So as far as … [Read more...]
May Inflation “Astonishingly Low”
The Bureau of Labor Statistics Released the Inflation Data for the 12 months ending in May on June 10th. Inflation is virtually ZERO at 0.12%. Annual Inflation Retreats Annual Inflation fell again to 0.12% in May from 0.33% in April. CPI Index rose marginally from 256.389 in April to 256.394 (virtually identical). Monthly Inflation for May was 0.002%, April was -0.67%, March was -0.22%, February was 0.27%... typically January through May are highly inflationary so this is VERY unusual. The FED continues to crank up the "printing presses" using "Quantitative Easing" in an effort to stimulate the economy in the wake of COVID-19. FED Funds Rate remains near Zero. Next … [Read more...]
Why Inflation Affects Various Individuals Differently
The cause and effect are both commonly called "inflation" which can cause some confusion. Typically, "Inflation" is defined as "an increase in the cost of a basket of goods over time". Technically this should be called "Price Inflation" which is often the result of "Monetary Inflation". As we have discussed in "What is Inflation", monetary inflation can also be referred to simply as "inflation." Inflation is a common phenomenon that affects millions of households every year. Let's look at how it affects various types of individuals. Inflation and Income A fixed income combined with rising prices decreases the ability of people to purchase the same number of goods. As inflation … [Read more...]
What Causes Inflation? Rising Prices Explained
Economists say that there are 3 major causes of inflation. They are: Cost-Push Inflation Demand-Pull Inflation An increase in the Money Supply What is Cost-Push inflation? As the cost of raw materials or wages increases it causes producers to be forced to increase the cost of their products in order to be able to cover their costs of production and a reasonable profit. This results in a “snowball effect” as these new products raise the prices of other products. But that leads us to the “chicken or the egg” question. What caused the cost of raw materials or wages to rise in the first place? It is possible for foodstuffs to be in short supply due … [Read more...]
March Inflation Crashes
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its March Inflation report on April 10th, 2020, for the 12 months through the end of March 2020. Annual Inflation Down Sharply Inflation fell sharply to 1.54% in March from 2.33% in February and 2.49% in January. CPI Index in February was 258.679 and fell to 258.115 in March. Monthly Inflation for March was -0.22%, February was 0.27% typically January through May are highly inflationary so this was VERY unusual. The FED has massively cranked up the "printing presses" using "Quantitative Easing" in an effort to stimulate the economy in the wake of COVID-19. FED Funds Rate down sharply. Next release May 12th Annual … [Read more...]
Inflation Expectations and the Massive Fed Stimulus
Inflation is loosely described as a general economic state of rising prices. In February 2020, the US inflation rate dipped from a high of 2.5% in January, to 2.3%. Assuming the standard of steadily increasing prices, driven largely by food, fuel, and living expenses, one can expect the inflation rate to tick higher. Forecasts for April 2020 are at 1.7%. Given that the major drivers of inflation are excess demand (demand-pull inflation), or cost-push inflation, current conditions based on Coronavirus quarantines have created a murky demand climate. Oil Prices and Inflationary Expectations All major US indices, including the Dow Jones Index, have plunged precipitously. Stock portfolios … [Read more...]
What is the Federal Funds Rate?
By law banks are required to maintain a certain percentage of their assets in reserves at any given time. This money is held at the Federal Reserve bank and is called the “Reserve Requirement”. Generally, this money does not earn any interest. But, any money over and above this minimum can be loaned to other banks to who might not have enough reserves. The rate that banks can charge each other is called the “Federal Funds rate” or “Fed Funds Rate”. The monetary policy-making body of the Federal Reserve System, is called the “Federal Open Market Committee” or “FOMC”. The FOMC meets eight times a year to discuss the economy and decide on any changes to monetary policy. One of the major … [Read more...]