Is Quantitative Easing Money Printing? Quantitative Easing is often referred to as "money printing" or a way for the government to increase the money supply. According to Wikipedia, quantitative easing is different from the typical method whereby governments buy treasury debt to increase the money supply. In QE1 when the market was panicked, and banks didn't want to buy government bonds, the central bank implemented "quantitative easing" by purchasing relatively worthless financial assets (like mortgage backed securities) from banks and giving them new electronically created money. So this is straight forward money printing compared to the more round about traditional method. Thus … [Read more...]
How to Speculate your Way to Success
Everybody Forced to Speculate? According to an interview with Doug Casey, "Everybody is going to be almost forced to be a speculator to try to stay in the same place. Speculating means capitalizing on politically caused distortions in the marketplace." ~editorHow to Speculate your Way to Success Source: JT Long of The Gold Report (4/20/12) So far, 2012 has been a banner year for the stock market, which recently closed the books on its best first quarter in 14 years. But Casey Research Chairman Doug Casey insists that time is running out on the ticking time bombs. Next week when Casey Research's spring summit gets underway, Casey will open the first general session addressing the … [Read more...]
Why Deficits Are Politically Convenient
Terry Coxon of Casey Research discusses the effects of deficits on the economy and politics. ~editor Deficits: How Far to the Wall? By Terry Coxon, Casey Research Decades of manipulation by the Federal Reserve (through its creation of paper money) and by Congress (through its taxing and spending) have pushed the US economy into a circumstance that can't be sustained but from which there is no graceful exit. With few exceptions, all of the noble souls who chose a career in "public service" and who've advanced to be voting members of Congress are committed to chronic deficits, though they deny it. For political purposes, deficits work. The people whose wishes come true through the … [Read more...]
Can We Trust Government Inflation Numbers?
Independent Inflation Tracking Numbers Updated February 19, 2016 For some reason people don't seem to trust the government. I can't understand why. Surely the government only has our best interests at heart and wants to take care of us like good parents, and they are just protecting us from ourselves. And of course all politicians are honest, selfless, hard-working civil servants. Right? Well, Okay maybe they don't always have our best interests at heart. And maybe it would benefit the budget if they didn't have to pay so much for cost of living increases but surely they aren't fudging the Consumer Price Index are they? I frequently get emails, and occasionally phone calls, asking … [Read more...]
Inflation Adjusted Stock Prices
Adjusted Stock Price Financial advisors will often tell us of the steady increases available only through the stock market and present us with beautiful charts showing the relentless march of the the stockmarket ever higher and to the right. But what about inflation? How does the stock market perform when inflation is taken into consideration? After we take the loss of purchasing power into account have all the gains disappeared? When adjusting stock prices for inflation we typically use the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index CPI-U. Prices are then calculated in "real" dollars. That means that the price is adjusted so that we can see what it would have cost if prices … [Read more...]
Gasoline 20 Cents a Gallon?
Many of us aren't old enough to remember Gasoline at 20 cents a gallon. I can remember gas during the 1960's at 29.9 cents a gallon. The last time that gasoline averaged 20 cents a gallon was in 1942. That was during WWII ! But if you know us here at you probably know that we usually talk in inflation adjusted prices. So adjusting for inflation, the price of gas in 1942 would have been $2.78 if you are paying in January 2012 dollars. But that is still a long way away from the average price of Gas in 2011 of $3.48. We track the inflation adjusted price of gasoline based on the annual average price using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) generated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor … [Read more...]
How Does the Value of the U.S. Dollar Fit Into the Big Picture for the Economy?
Robert Prechter discusses his views on the credit crisis and the U.S. dollar More credit is denominated in U.S. dollars than any other currency. What does this mean for the value of the dollar as the credit crisis continues its strangle-hold on the world economies? Enjoy this video clip of Bob Prechter from an October interview with The Mind of Money host Douglass Lodmell, in which Bob discusses the debt implosion and the value of the U.S. dollar. You can watch Prechter's full 45-minute interview here -- no sign up required! Watch the full 45-minute interview FREEGet even more valuable insights as Mind of Money host Douglass Lodmell interviews Elliott Wave … [Read more...]
Is There a Correlation Between Inflation and the Stock Market
When inflation is high and commodity prices are rising on what seems like an almost daily basis, have you ever wondered how that might affect the price of stocks? Recently I received the following question: "In the years leading up to the great depression and the great recession, the DJIA nearly quadrupled. My question is... what the cost of living did in these time periods and if there is a correlation between the stock market and the cost of living? John Kelsch" ************ John, Great question! You would think that if all commodities are going up stocks would probably go up as well, since companies produce commodities. But that isn't always the case. Often high … [Read more...]
Fed To ‘Hold Off’ On QE 3
We noted extreme levels of optimism earlier today. What could possibly trigger a correction in stocks and commodities? If the Fed fails to signal and/or announce another round of quantitative easing (QE), it would undoubtedly leave the markets disappointed. The Fed uses the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) as a medium to communicate with the markets. It is possible someone at the Fed picked up the phone and said, “We need to temper short-term expectations for another round of QE. Can you help us out?” Friday’s WSJ has an article titled “Fed Holds Off For Now on Bond Buys”. Notice the word “may” is not included. Here is the first paragraph of the article: Federal Reserve officials are waiting … [Read more...]
How Global Financial Developments are Affecting the Price of Gold
Let’s face it. With the US economy facing the bitter consequences of extravagance and unscrupulous spending, it has become quite difficult for the US to manage both its public and private debts now. In this phase of post recession hangover and economic meltdown, the U.S. federal government has bumped up against its permitted borrowing limit. According to Alison Fraser, director of the Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, America’s debt just crossed $15 trillion, which means presently, the amount owed by the United States government to the world, is equivalent to the amount produced by the American economy per year. All these factors lead to higher prices and intensifying inflation … [Read more...]