The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its September Inflation report on October 10th, 2019, for the 12 months through the end of September 2019. Annual Inflation is Down Very Slightly Annual inflation in September was 1.71% virtually unchanged from August's 1.75%. Inflation has been in a narrow range throughout 2019. 1.79% in May, 1.81% in July, 1.65% in June, peaking at 2.00% in April. Inflation peaked at 2.95% in July 2018. The CPI-U index in September was 256.759 up from 256.558 in August. Monthly Inflation for September was 0.08%, August was -0.01%, July was 0.17%, June was virtually zero at 0.02%, May was 0.21%, April was 0.53%, March was 0.56%. … [Read more...]
August Inflation Report
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their August Inflation report on September 12th 2019, for the 12 months through August 2019. Annual Inflation is Down Slightly Annual inflation in August was 1.75% very similar to the 1.79% in May and the 1.81% in July. But still above the 1.65% in June, and below the 2.00% in April. Inflation peaked at 2.95% in July 2018. CPI Index in August was 256.558. July was 256.571, June was 256.143, May was 256.092. April's was 255.548 and March was 254.202. Monthly Inflation for August was disinflationary -0.01%, July was 0.17%, June was virtually zero at 0.02%, May was 0.21%, April was 0.53%, March was 0.56%. Next release October … [Read more...]
Annual Inflation in May: Down
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their monthly Consumer Price Index report on June 12th 2019, for the 12 months through May 2019. Annual Inflation is Down Annual inflation in May was 1.79% down from 2.00% in April and 1.86% in March. CPI Index was 256.092 up from 255.548 in April and 254.202 in March. Monthly Inflation for May was 0.21%, April was 0.53%, March was 0.56%, May 2018 was 0.42%. Next release July 11th Quantitative Tightening (QT) continues check it out here. What is Quantitative Tightening? Annual inflation for the 12 months ending in May was 1.79% (i.e. below the FED target of 2.00%) down from 2.00% in April. But still above the 1.52% … [Read more...]
April Inflation Up Sharply
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their monthly Consumer Price Index report on May 10th 2019, for the 12 months through April 2019. Annual Inflation is Up Annual inflation in April was 2.00% up from 1.86% in March. CPI Index was 255.548 up from 254.202 in March. Monthly Inflation for April was 0.53%, March was 0.56%, April 2018 was 0.40%. Next release June 12th Quantitative Tightening (QT) continues check it out here. What is Quantitative Tightening? Annual inflation for the 12 months ending in April was at the FED target of 2.00% (a rare occurrence). It was Up from 1.52% in February and 1.86% in March but still below the 2.18% in November 2018. … [Read more...]
March Inflation is Up
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their monthly Consumer Price Index report on April 10th 2019, for the 12 months through March 2019. Annual Inflation is Up Annual inflation in March was 1.86% up from 1.52% in February. CPI Index was 254.202 in March up from 252.776 in February. Monthly Inflation for March was 0.56%, in February monthly inflation was 0.42% and in March 2018 it was 0.23%. Next release May 10th We've added another bar to the Annual Inflation Rate Chart indicating Quantitative Tightening (QT) check it out here. What is Quantitative Tightening? Annual inflation peaked at 2.95% in July 2018 and fell steadily through February … [Read more...]
February Inflation Virtually Flat
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their monthly Consumer Price Index report on March 12th 2019, for the 12 months through February 2019. Annual Inflation is Down (Slightly) Annual inflation in February was down very slightly from January's 1.55% to 1.52% February's CPI was 252.776 January's CPI was 251.712 up from December's CPI of 251.233, November was 252.038 Monthly Inflation for February was 0.42%, slightly below last February's 0.45%. December was -0.32%, November was -0.33%. Next release April 10th We've added another bar to the Annual Inflation Rate Chart indicating Quantitative Tightening (QT) check it out here. Annual inflation … [Read more...]
January Inflation Drops Sharply
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their monthly Consumer Price Index report on February 13th 2019, for the 12 months through January 2019. Annual Inflation is Down Annual inflation in January was 1.55% down from 1.91% in December and 2.18% in November. January's CPI was 251.712 up from December's CPI of 251.233, November was 252.038 Note: January's CPI was only slightly above the 251.588 back in May. Monthly Inflation for January was 0.19%, December was -0.32% virtually identical to November's -0.33%. Next release March 12th We've added another bar to the Annual Inflation Rate Chart indicating Quantitative Tightening (QT) check it out … [Read more...]
Are Deflationary Forces Taking Hold Again?
From the chart below we can see that deflation was an issue in 2009 as the market eliminated billions of dollars in assets when it crashed. The FED used all the tricks in the book to combat the contraction of the money supply including lowering interest rates to near zero and when that wasn't enough it began buying assets through its "quantitative easing" (QE) programs. But the deflationary forces weren't through yet and by 2015 the FED was once again battling deflation. In the chart below we can see that after dropping interest rates to almost zero they kept them there until 2016 when they increased rates very tentatively. But in 2017 they began raising rates a bit more … [Read more...]
2018 Ends with More Disinflation
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their monthly Consumer Price Index report on January 11th 2019, for January 1 through December 31, 2018. Annual Inflation is Down Annual inflation in December was 1.91% down from November's 2.18%. December's CPI was 251.233 which was below November's 252.038, below October, September and even below the 251.588 in May. Monthly Inflation for December was -0.32% virtually identical to November's -0.33%. Next release February 13th Monthly Inflation: According to the BLS commissioner's report, "In December, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers fell 0.1 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis; rising 1.9 percent over … [Read more...]
November was Deflationary
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their monthly Consumer Price Index report on December 12th 2018, for the 12 month period through the end of November. Annual Inflation is Down Annual inflation in November was 2.18% down from October's 2.52% and below September's 2.28% and the 2.70% in August. CPI was 252.038 in November below October, September and the 252.146 in August. Monthly Inflation for November was -0.33 October was 0.18% in September it was 0.12%, compared to virtually zero in November 2017. Next release January 11th Monthly Inflation: According the the BLS Commissioner's report: "In November, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers was … [Read more...]