Updated February 2014 We all whine and complain about it but usually there isn't much we can do about inflation. About our only choice is to vote with our feet, we can move our funds from one doomed currency to another. This is what the Forex industry is all about. The only other alternative to fiat currency is hard assets like gold. As I've said many times, the value of our money is based on the supply and demand fundamentals. Right now the demand for U.S. dollars is falling and the supply is rising because the government has the ability to create them out of "thin air". Based on basic Economics 101 this means that the value of the U.S. Dollar will continue to fall as long as the … [Read more...]
Understanding the FED
Protect yourself from the common and misleading myths about the U.S. Federal Reserve Over the years, occasionally I have received comments from subscribers about the SHAM of the FED and how U.S. Taxpayers are being swindled. And although I knew the truth of it, I was unable to shed any new light on the subject. Today our friends at Elliottwave have provided a new resource that will teach you everything you wanted to know – plus some things you might wish you didn't – about the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. Since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Federal Reserve Bank has been a secret, quasi-government agency. It's time to pull back the curtain on the Federal Reserve system. In … [Read more...]
Stimulus Up But Inflation at 1.15% and Falling?
By Tim McMahon, editor Consumer prices have risen at a meager 1.15% over the last 12 months-- despite massive stimulus and growing commitments from the U.S. government. So what's going on? Deflationary forces are strengthening. They are being spurred on by high unemployment rates creating an overwhelming need for consumers to liquidate their assets for cash. As this new economic phase is becoming a reality, expectations are compounding the effects as explained in recent commentary from the world's largest technical analysis firm. "The economy is moving into a critical new phase, an outright deflation in which 'prices fall because people expect falling prices.' Obviously, this … [Read more...]
How Do I Calculate the Inflation Rate?
The following article explains how to calculate the current inflation rate, if you know the Consumer Price Index. If you don't know it, you can find it here. If you don't care about the mechanics and just want the answer, use our Inflation Calculator. The Formula For Calculating Inflation The formula for calculating the Inflation Rate using the Consumer Price Index is relatively simple. Every month the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) surveys prices and generates the current Consumer Price Index (CPI). Let us assume for the sake of simplicity that the index consists of one item and that one item cost $1.00 in 1984. The BLS published the index in 1984 at 100. If today that same item … [Read more...]
Free Deflation Video
Get a free 20 minute video from Elliottwave on Deflation. Deflation is Everywhere: What it means for you … [Read more...]
Free Candle Stick Guides
If you are a trader and not using candlestick charts, you are missing a lot of profitable trades. So here are a couple of Free Resources to get you started. Free Candlestick Reversal Pattern Guide Basic Candlestick Momentum analysis Report … [Read more...]
Worldwide Economic Recovery Slowing
By Tim McMahon, editor The effects of the Trillion Dollar economic stimulus are wearing off and the "recovery" is looking pale and thin. So it may be time to crank up the printing presses again... According the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Assessment, the world economic recovery may be slowing faster than previously anticipated. Growth in the the seven largest developed countries of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States and Canada is expected to be around 1½ per cent on an annualized basis in the second half of 2010 down from the OECD’s previous estimate of around 1¾ per cent in May. … [Read more...]
Which is Stronger- Inflation or Deflation?
By Tim McMahon, editor Why the Printing Press is No Match for Deflationary Forces- A mere two years ago (although it seems like a lifetime) in August of 2008, inflation was roaring in at 5.37% and the world was talking about hyperinflation. But then along came the housing crash which started the domino effect of deflationary forces. Housing prices, stock prices, asset prices all began falling; triggering margin calls and more liquidation until even Gold (the only investment that is not simultaneously a liability) began to feel the deflationary pressure. By July 2009 a mere 11 months later, everyone was no longer afraid of the inflation monster, but now they were fearing deflation. At … [Read more...]
Popular Free Resources
Video Crash course- Why Use the Wave Principle, What is the Wave Principle and How to Trade the Wave Principle Learn the Basics of the Wave Principle in 10 Valuable Lessons Learn to Invest Independently – Get Your 118-Page Independent Investor eBook Download The Ultimate Technical Analysis Handbook to Discover EWI Analysts’ Favorite Technical Indicators Is Your Bank Safe? Discover the Top 100 Safest U.S. Banks Now Survive and Prosper – Download the 60-Page Guide to Understanding Deflation Now Free e-Mail Trading Course … [Read more...]
Gold, Silver, Plus #3, for Profit & Protection
By Deepcaster Equities-in-general have gone nowhere for the past decade (and have lost 30% or more when their prices are adjusted for inflation), and are in a Bear Market, with no end realistically in sight. And most Bonds and CD’s provide miniscule or even negative returns after adjusting for Real Inflation. And even many Commodities have not been consistently appreciating lately. We have long been an advocate of Gold and Silver, "the ultimate monetary metals". We still consider thems our #1 and #2 selections as the best fortress assets for profit and protection. Indeed, Deepcaster has two open ‘Buy’ Recommendations on a particular form of these Metals. And, as regular readers know, … [Read more...]