Economic skies forecast: slowly clearing, heavy rain returning, or cyclone? Many people still talk about a "recovery," or at worst only see a possible double-dip recession. But what if the mistake was to think the economy was only in a recession in the first place? It can't "double-dip" when it never truly recovered: "The respite following the 2009 stock market low is not a new expansion. It has failed to improve housing sales, barely caused employment to budge, and hasn't managed -- despite the unprecedented manufacture of new Fed money -- to get the total supply of credit back above its 2008 high." Elliott Wave Theorist, Sept. 2011 Indeed, the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing … [Read more...]
America’s First Deflationary Depression: Is a Bigger One Ahead?
Social psychology precipitates economic depressions Don't blame Martin Van Buren for America's first deflationary depression. Social mood rode higher in the saddle than did our 8th President, who only stood 5' 6". Elected in 1836, by the time Van Buren assumed office in March 1837 a speculative bubble had burst and a banking crisis was at hand (sound familiar?) -- the national mood had turned south and the "Panic of 1837" followed. Van Buren was known as "The Little Magician," but he could not pull an economic recovery out of the hat. He met defeat seeking a second term. America's first deflationary depression lasted until 1842. Van Buren blamed over-zealous business practices and a … [Read more...]
Michael Maloney: “We pay tax for the privilege to have currency”
In this video excerpt from the Casey Summit When Money Dies, Rich Dad advisor Mike Maloney explains how currency is created, "fractional reserve banking," and why our banking system is a pyramid scam of epic proportions. Listen to Mike's complete summit speech – plus those of nearly 30 other renowned financial experts – from the comfort of your home. More than 20 hours of audio recordings on CD or MP3, including the experts’ top stock picks. Learn more. … [Read more...]
It’s All the Same Market in a Deflationary Environment
On September 22, the Dow and S&P opened down over 2.5%. Oil was down, copper was down, and even GOLD was down sharply. Watch this video excerpt from Robert Prechter's special video issue of the August Elliott Wave Theorist where he explains what is causing diverse markets such as these to move together in today's environment. Free Report: Stocks -- Buying Opportunity or Another "Free Fall" Ahead?Find out what these market moves mean to your investments with current analysis from Elliott Wave International. Bob Prechter has just released a FREE report -- with urgent analysis from his August and September 2011 Elliott Wave Theorist market letters, including another video … [Read more...]
How Wealth Can Simply Evaporate
In the following article Bob Stokes of Elliottwave explains why in times of credit expansion money is created out of thin air and in times of credit contraction money can simply disappear... no matter how much the government prints out of thin air. This results in a negative "money multiplier" as more money disappears than is created. See my article on Velocity of Money and the Money Multiplier for more information.~Tim McMahon, Editor Evaporation of Wealth on a Vast Scale How $1-million can disappear By Bob Stokes The bursting of the "debt bubble" which started in 2008 is far from over. It's the financial story of our age and it's happening before our eyes. The full scope is hard to … [Read more...]
Does Deflation Remain a Threat?
From physics we learn that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. From nature we see the pendulum swing to its farthest extreme and then return an equal distance in the opposite direction. Even children know the saying , "what goes up, must come down". But those laws of nature don't apply to debt and credit inflation do they? Can debt creation can go on forever? In this article the editors of Elliottwave International look at the largest credit inflation in history and where it is going now. Will it eventually result in a massive deflation? ~ Tim McMahon, editor A 90-Page "Deflation Survival Guide" Gives the Answer By Elliott Wave International "Every excess causes a … [Read more...]
Why Quantitative Easing Has NOT Brought Back Inflation
When the FED began quantitative easing to halt the deflationary crash of 2008, almost everyone was convinced that it would result in massive inflation. The lone voice proclaiming that it wouldn't stop the deflationary express train wreck was Robert Prechter. In the following article Prechter explains why inflation never materialized. It is an excerpt from Prechter's, Independent Investor eBook 2011. I hope you enjoy this short excerpt. See below for details on how to get the eBook in its entirety for free. ~ Tim McMahon, editor … [Read more...]
What Most People Don’t Realize About The Fed’s Superpowers
Since its creation in 1913, the primary intended role of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank has been that of protector. In theory, the central bank was bestowed with the power to shape monetary policy in a way that would keep both booms and busts in check. The two main tools at its disposal -- interest rates and money creation -- would provide a "ceiling of normalcy" above expansions AND a "net of safety" below contractions. To this day, the financial mainstream holds great faith in the Fed's ability to fulfill its save-the-day duties -- as these recent news items make plain: "Why Raising Fed Funds Rate Is Positive For Equities." (Seeking Alpha) "Fed's Moves Lift All Asset Classes." … [Read more...]
Understanding the Federal Reserve Bank
What's a greater threat to the U.S. economy -- inflation or deflation? To decide that... it helps to understand what role the U.S. Federal Reserve plays. Despite so much focus on the policies of the Fed, its operations remain somewhat of a mystery to most investors -- in no smaller measure, due to their complexity. Here's an excerpt of a 35-page report that explains the Fed, its goals and, very importantly, its limitations in layman's terms. … [Read more...]
United STRAITS of America: The Muni Bond Crisis Is Here
This November, the whole world tuned in as the greater part of the U.S.A.'s 50 states turned red -- and no, I don't mean the political shift to a republican majority during the November 2 mid-term elections. I mean "in the red" -- as in, financially fercockt, overdrawn, up to their eyeballs in debt. Here are the latest stats: California, Florida, Illinois, and New Jersey now suffer "Greek-like deficits," alongside draconian budget cuts, job furloughs, suspensions of city services, and the growing "rent-a-cop" trend of firing city workers and then hiring outside contractors to fill those positions. Next is the fact that the municipal bond market has been melting like a snow cone in the … [Read more...]