According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI report released on February 13th, Annual Inflation was down to 3.1% in January from 3.4% in December. (but since we calculate it to two digits, it was actually 3.09% in January and 3.35% in December.) Monthly inflation was -0.10% in December and 0.54% in January. But since inflation is highest in the first quarter of the year, these numbers are not unusual. But in January 2023 monthly inflation was 0.80%, so annual inflation is lower in 2024. The BLS's Seasonally adjusted monthly rate for January was 0.30%, the same as December 2023. As you can see from our MIP projection from last month, inflation was at the high end of our range. … [Read more...]
January Inflation Spikes to 2.49%
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its January Inflation report on February 13th, 2020, for the 12 months through the end of January 2020. Annual Inflation Jumps Up Again Annual inflation tops the 2019 high set in December at 2.29% reaching 2.49% in January. CPI Index in January was up almost 1 point to 257.971, December was 256.974, November was 257.208 down from October's 257.346 Monthly Inflation for January was 0.39%, December was -0.09% up from 0.19% in January 2019. Next release March 11th Annual inflation for the 12 months ending in January was up to 2.49%. Annual inflation in December was 2.29%. The CPI index itself rose almost exactly a full … [Read more...]
January Inflation Drops Sharply
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their monthly Consumer Price Index report on February 13th 2019, for the 12 months through January 2019. Annual Inflation is Down Annual inflation in January was 1.55% down from 1.91% in December and 2.18% in November. January's CPI was 251.712 up from December's CPI of 251.233, November was 252.038 Note: January's CPI was only slightly above the 251.588 back in May. Monthly Inflation for January was 0.19%, December was -0.32% virtually identical to November's -0.33%. Next release March 12th We've added another bar to the Annual Inflation Rate Chart indicating Quantitative Tightening (QT) check it out … [Read more...]
Inflation was Up Slightly in January 2014
Current Inflation Commentary- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released the Annual Inflation rate today. For the year ending in January, inflation was 1.58% up very slightly from 1.50% for the year ending in December 2013. Annual inflation is made up of 12 monthly inflation components and although monthly inflation was virtually Zero for December 2013 and rose to 0.37% in January. This fits well with the historical trend of low inflation in the 4th quarter and high inflation in the first quarter of the year. The Consumer Price Index came in at 233.916 in January which was actually … [Read more...]