Everybody has their own personal reasons for expatriating, but here are some of the benefits: Freedom from the global U.S. tax net. Freedom from the death tax. Freedom from the U.S. government's War on Solvency. Freedom from being treated like a “toxic citizen". Freedom from the paperwork prison. Freedom to invest without tax distortions that encourage capital misallocation. Freedom from being crushed by the fiat currency landslide Freedom from the accountability for how the U.S. government spends your money. Freedom to radically increase your charitable giving. Freedom from the risk of getting trapped. Read the full article and get your FREE 29-page copy of American … [Read more...]
Paying Taxes on Gold
Give unto Caesar - What to Pay When You're Selling By: Jeff Clark, Senior Editor, Casey’s Gold & Resource Report Proper planning with your finances is incomplete until you consider the endgame consequences of your investment decisions today. So, what are the tax consequences of selling gold, gold ETFs, and gold stocks? There’s lots of conflicting and inaccurate tax information on the Internet about this. We know of one site that claims the sale of silver Eagles is exempt from capital gains tax due to some obscure law (not true). So, let’s nail down the current tax rules for selling gold in the U.S. [The following information pertains to U.S. taxpayers only and is not … [Read more...]
Tax Revenues Tanking
By David Galland, Managing Editor, The Casey Report While everyone else has been focused on the banks’ stress tests and how much government is spending to bail out troubled “too big to fails,” a disturbing trend on the other side of the equation is now emerging: how much (or rather, how little) the U.S. government is receiving in tax revenues. After combing through the past 25 editions of the “Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the United States Government,” which is compiled and published by the Treasury Department’s Financial Management Service, we created the following chart. … [Read more...]
Do Central Banks Move the Markets?
Central Banks are like the giant gorilla of the investment world. Everyone thinks they can do anything they want. But can they? Or are they subject to the laws of the universe just like everyone else? They do wield a lot of clout for a day or so when a new announcement comes out but do they really have a lasting effect on the markets? In this article Mark Galasiewski of Elliott Wave International gives us a look at what the effect of the Central Banks really is. -- Editor Think That Central Banks Move the Markets? Think Again. By Mark Galasiewski The following is excerpted from Elliott Wave International’s Global Market Perspective. Conventional wisdom says that central banks can … [Read more...]
Why the Bailout Won’t Work
By Andrew Gordon The economy is now staring eyeball-to-eyeball with an activist U.S. government. It will legislate, reform, supervise, bully, give out money like cotton candy and get concessions in return. It will encourage technological development in environmental and other “future” industries. It will seek sources of energy other than the oil and gas we get from Mexico, Canada and OPEC. And it will put generous sums of money behind these initiatives. The Obama government emphatically does not want banks to sit on the money they get from the government. Nor do they want it to go to shareholders in the form of dividend payments. This is why I look for more companies to cut their … [Read more...]
Goodbye M3 – What is the Government hiding?
by Tim McMahon, Editor I'm surprised we haven't heard much in the news about this but as of March 23rd 2006 the government will no longer be publishing the M3 money supply data. Most people probably say "Who Cares?" Right? But you should care! And here's why: "The Federal Reserve tracks and publishes the money supply measured three different ways-- M1, M2, and M3. These three money supply measures track slightly different views of the money supply. The most restrictive, M1, only measures the most liquid forms of money; it is limited to currency actually in the hands of the public. This includes travelers checks, demand deposits (checking accounts), and other deposits against … [Read more...]