Calculate the difference in purchasing power based on price inflation between two years.
The inflation calculator below will take you to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator. It will tell you the cost differential based on the Consumer Price index for the month and year. Inputs range from 1914- Present. You also need to input the starting value and the inflation calculator will tell you the inflation adjusted price. (As in the example below).
Our inflation calculator (unlike most on the web) not only gives the inflation adjusted price but also the total cumulative inflation (see red text in the example below). We were also the first to provide an inflation calculator that worked from a specific month within the year. To calculate the total cumulative inflation between any two months from 1913 to the present use our cumulative inflation calculator.
If you want to calculate U.S. inflation from 1774 through future estimates up through 2024 you can use our fun "Steampunk" Calculator. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of "steampunk technology" :) (actually the limited data from years prior to 1913) only annual data is available.
To compare the cost of living in two cities use this Cost of Living calculator
If you know the inflation rate and would like to know how much something would cost after increasing in price by that amount of inflation use our "How much it would cost after Inflation Calculator"
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