Healthcare Costs in the U.K. Individuals She is a single female who is self-employed and self-insured. Until this year, the only doctor’s visits she made in the last decade were for annual physicals. Her insurance covered the cost of that preventative care. However, the thought has occurred to her that she might be better off putting her monthly premium in an interest bearing account and paying for those annual visits with money from that account. As a healthy individual, she pays £130 each month only to have a deductible of £3200. In essence, she would have to pay £3330 each year before her insurance would cover any non-preventative claim. Even if the annual office visit cost me £130, she … [Read more...]
Healthcare Is Killing America
by Bud Conrad, Editor, The Casey Report Healthcare is the biggest segment of our economy. In the debate over who should pay for what or, increasingly, for whom, most people don't stop to understand just how large a portion of our society's money is dedicated to healthcare. For some perspective, as a share of GDP, the U.S. spends about twice that of other advanced nations. This is an important reason why the U.S. is increasingly uncompetitive in global manufacturing. It is, for instance, the most important factor (besides poor management) that General Motors and Chrysler are going bankrupt. Going forward, the situation is guaranteed to get worse. The Obama administration is committed … [Read more...]